Open Ethics
When searching for a therapist, supervisor, trainer, or consultant, it's often important to have a shared framework of values and ethics to operate from. My hope in sharing these commitments is that you will have a richer understanding of how our work together can look.
​This also serves as a measure of accountability for myself in the life-long learning journey toward justice, equity, and community freedom.

Commitment to Anti Racism
As an occupier of indigenous land, it is necessary I recognize living and working in a society embedded in racism. Holding ancestry as both colonizer and colonized, enslaver and enslaved, and occupier and occupied, part of my responsibility to my ancestors and to my community is actively calling out and dismantling the interpersonal and structural violence of racism. I commit to deepening my understanding of these oppressive systems and owning my role within them, as part of a never-ending fight towards equity and community healing, and aspire to the principles outlined by The People's Institute for Survival & Beyond. I receive supervision working towards self accountability in my journey with clients, and a portion of proceeds honor this unceded land through the
Gender Affirming Care Access
Gender affirming care (including mental health support, affirming primary care, and preventative medicine, and gender affirming medications and surgeries), is necessary, life-saving care. My commitment is to consistently work to minimize barriers to access and gate-keep whenever possible, use an informed consent approach, and follow standards of letter writing. I provide "pay-as-you're-able" gender affirming care letters.
Hear more on my commitment here on the Lyme/Old Lyme Prevention Center podcast.

Neurodiversity Affirming Approach
I believe in a world where neurological differences are celebrated. I continue to work on my own unconscious ableism, seeking supervision working towards a climate of client self-determination, personal agency, and honoring sensory system needs. I do not condone or participate in ABA or "social skills training" type therapies. Rather, I aim to hold tenets of the social model of disability, working to help identify the systemic changes required to support all neurotypes.
Climate Justice
I believe the wellness of our natural world, the planet, and its creatures, are inextricably linked to our own personal wellness. I'm both personally and professionally committed to a fight for climate justice, and see this as reciprocal and necessary for wellness work. I'm continually evaluating my carbon contribution and working to minimize this business' impacts on the planet.
This practice's carbon emissions are offset through